Monday, March 14, 2011

Reworking Book

It has been a year since I posted a blog. I sent in my query letter and it was shot down in flames. It was my fault but I was tempted to put in early. A article from my favorite and (hopefully my agent) suggested now would be a great time. So I had not given the query the same attention I was giving the book. Big mistake because the query is the door opening for the book. It is probably more important than the book.

For a year I have edited the book with two full rewrites and cut a 100 pages out of it. It is leaner but still a sizable book at 540 pages.

It is odd because I like large books. If you read say, 75 pages a hour then in a rainy evening you can suck down 250 to 300 pages. Seems odd that agents want something like 140,000 words. That is ruffly 425 pages. It is clearly a commercial consideration. I have to chance it because I believe in writing in a style that paints a more complete image for the reader. Something that has been greatly appreciated by those that have read my first book.

I hope it flys!